Friday, December 15, 2006


was the title of the second Illustration assignment of the semester.

"For five generations my people have served Meriya. Ever since my great-great grandmother came to this land and heard her voice and settled here; she promised that for as long as her children lived in the Borderlands every third daughter would belong to Meriya as shak-shoyise to her. I am the third daughter of Tisak-meh-ni, who was the third daughter of Satin-hok-me, who was the third daughter of Tisak-men-ho, who was the third daughter of Tohan-sok-me. In one year I will be explected to shoulder the full responsibilites of Meriya's shak-shoyise, and to serve Rahaz-mi to the end of my days. In one year..."

The image is depicting my character, Kimeh-nis-ti Satino, having priestess make-up applied to her face by one of the older priestess'. While this is going on, her cousin, who is also having the make-up applied, is trying to talk to her. The cousin is very excited about becoming a priestess; however, Kimeh-ni is very apprehensive. I tried to convey this feeling through her stiff posture and unhappy expression. The scene is ment to take place around dawn in a large empty-ish room.

I'm not entirely happy with how the painting turned out, mainly because I'm still learning how to use Acrylics. However, I do like the concept for this illustration very much. So I hope to play more with it in the future.

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